Lydiaa wrote:
Alcohol abuse and unhealthy foods affect the child just as much as second hand smoke, and alcohol abuse in particular have has the potential for emotional trauma in a child.
Corrected, because moderate use of alcohol is healthy, both physically and emotionally, and carries no hardship for those arond you.
Is smoking bad? Of course, but so are most good things in life, when taken to the extreme. If you’re going to take the worst example of any addiction as the reason for banning something, you could essentially ban any activity. Notice how all current studies on smoking use those who smoke more than a pack a day? That’s about 30 minutes per smoke (while awake), day in, day out.
See, there's a difference here. Most of the "good things in life" you're thinking of actually have no health negatives at all in moderation, and actually fulfill at least some health positive. Even the fattiest of foods provides some needed nutrients, and if eaten sparingly, no potential health issues. A single cigarrette per day has no health benefits, and still significantly increases your odds of cancer and cardiovascular problems (albeit far less drasticly than pack-a-day smokers.)
In my experience, smoking apears to be so addictive that people like you are a rarity. Once that addiction kicks in, the "pack a day" seems to be the norm.