Just had my 3 month follow up. The results were mixed.
My ACL has gone down from almost 12 (11.9) to just below 7 (6.9)
My cholesterol is sitting at a place that would be at the high end of normal if I did not have diabetes, but since I do... it is bad. I am on some medicine that starts with an L for that.
The doctor has recommended taking an aspirin a day, to help reduce the risk of heart attack, along with the cholesterol meds.
My blood pressure is perfect.
I have no signs of weaking liver or any other symptom associated with the meds I am on.
I have no signs of any deficiencies, and my potassium levels are good. (The cholesterol meds have a side effect of causing leg cramps.. so it is a good thing I take a daily potassium pill.)
I have another follow up in 4 months: Blood work and all, to check my levels again and to do a full panel to make sure the meds are not killing my liver or heart.
I also have a doctor requirement to go get my eyes checked. He said that is always recommended, but as a diabetic, it is no longer an optional course of action.
I am optimistic in this, I dropped my ACL to acceptable levels in three months, and I feel that now, I will be able to modify my diet slightly and take care of the cholesterol levels as well. One ailment at a time.
But gorram, I will get this all taken care of. /flex