Farther wrote:
I don't know, but that still doesn't change anything, imo.
For starters, it invalidates the argument that the FD can just recoup its costs after the fact as a reason why the FD should have put out the fire.
I still make the argument on the human decency, compassion side. Sometimes, people have to suck it up and do the right thing, even for people who seemingly don't deserve it. And sometimes that comes at a cost that the compassionate have to carry. Call it karma, or God being fair or whatever you choose, but I believe there's a benefit that outweighs, in the long haul, the initial cost of doing the compassionate, decent thing.
Once, sure. Repeating the same mistake and expecting help for it. No. At that point, my "compassion" ceases to extend to this person and is reserved for people that put forth the effort, or correct the mistake that got them into the situation, in the hope that not being an enabler for such stupidity saves others from having to deal with this individual.
Even the mayor of South Fulton is a human being. One would hope a human being capable of feeling compassion and decency.
Its probably compassion that was behind the City offering the service to begin with, considering what a cheap deal it is for the residence of an area that can't afford a FD of their own, so would otherwise be without. The compassion that had the city try to meet the residence of this area half way.
But, to follow up on the example of the food bank... more of them are starting programs that require assistance to participate, such as doing volunteer hours at the store, etc in exchange for receiving goods. Do you have a problem with this program? Do you have a problem with the food bank turning away a repeat offender that doesn't nothing to help, freeing up resources for others in need who are willing to make that committment?