TheRiov wrote:
Crisis Pregnancy Centers are repugnant. ... al/2018-03\ ... nformationIf your tactics are to lie, manipulate, mislead, and emotionally blackmail, you're not just WRONG you're actively evil.
I read your first article. About every claim it makes against the ethics of CPC ignore the baby involved or are criticisms that can also be leveled at how Planned Parenthood conducts their practice. Considering these places are often staffed by volunteers, I'm not going to impute ill intent to how they go about their duties. I'm sure there are bad actors, which can be said for just about every organization.
As an organization, I don't see that they lie otherwise they'd be taken to court. I will concede more disclosure about who they are and what they cannot/will not do is better for the women seeking their help.
As an organization, I don't see that they manipulate. There is no hard-sell and any woman is capable of getting a second opinion elsewhere.
As an organization, they may unintentionally mislead with respect to what your article mentioned about STI's and contraception. This has more to do with improper training of their volunteer staff who are inserting opinion rather than information.
As an organization, I don't see that they emotionally blackmail. How would they do that? They hold no collateral to hold over the woman's head. They can make their case that the baby inside the woman is actual life and that killing it is ACTIVELY EVIL. The woman is entirely at liberty to disregard the opinion of the complete stranger telling her this and go to another clinic.