Monte wrote:
Diamondeye wrote:
How is she any more of an attention whore than any other public figure?
Yes, really. Explain in detail what it is that makes her an "attention whore", since this is a totally subjective term to describe people who create drama on internet message boards when there aren't enough threads that interest them.
No. My big objection to Sarah Palin is, as President Bartlett put it - she's a 22 caliber mind in a 50 caliber world. Or something to that effect. Sarah Palin is good at two things.
First, she's good at winking conservatives into believing that she will a) **** them and b) is just like them.
So in other words, it's really about her being female and good looking, and not liberal.
Second, she's great at cashing in on conservative stupidity. And yes, I mean stupidity. If you are a conservative, and you think that Sarah Palin is a serious candidate that's qualified to be president, then you are, in fact, stupid.
Sarah Palin never met an office she couldn't walk away from. As Mayor of Wasilla, she signed **** paychecks. Also, if you are stupid enough to believe her and her handlers, she had massive staring contests with Valadimir Putin. Or maybe that came with the half term she spent as governor...I forget. Her failures are so hard to keep track of.
She does, however, make 100k a pop on the speaking tour circuit. She says "grizzly moms" and bored 55 and over white conservatives essentially orgasm cash at her. She goes on the teevee, can't tell her *** from a whole in the ground, blames the media, and once again gets a deluge of conservative spunk-covered money filling her coffers.
She's a joke. But more than that, the people that worship her like the second coming of Mary Magdalene (cuz Glenn Beck is Jesus) fall for it every time. She can cash in, though. I give her that.
So, we have a repeat of Tina Fey's little comment about Russia, we have a cricticism of the fact that she was a local mayor, because serious candidates for some reason aren't supposed to ahve ever been small town mayors, and we have a complaint that she's been successful financially by speaking in public.
Thanks for vindicating my entire original point. Sarah Palin is no more inherently dislikeable than any other political figure; we just have a large crowd that either dislikes her views or dislikes the fact that a female holds them and tries to make her out as a big meanie and stupid to boot. I'm sorry she's hurting your little feelings by moving in on the lib-feminist mystique, but thanks for admitting it so bluntly.
Nice of you to come right out and admit your incredible sexism too. Remember, kids, if people actually like a female politician who's decent-looking and not an approved liberal, it's because she's somehow tricking them into wanting to **** her! Females are only allowed to appeal to the masses if they're sufficiently ugly and liberal!