Rynar wrote:
he pitched me the same bill of goods Monte plans on pitching to his children.
Work hard, learn everything you can, show kindness, protect the environment, respect people for who they are and not the color of their skin, treat the downtrodden with respect and care, be generous, don't cheat, be honest, because there but for the grace of (insert whatever) go you.
Yeah, real bill of goods there.
Much better, IMO, than "He who dies with the most toys wins, no matter the consequences for anyone else but yourself."
But hey, YMMV. Perhaps by raising children to be selfish, hateful, violent reactionaries lacking critical thinking skills beyond the one question "WWARD", you'll wind up with the results you want.
Me, I'll choose to raise my kids to be kind to others, to respect them and to find the best in them, and to help when they can. I'll teach them to question authority, to stand up against injustice, and to value tolerance and diversity. I'll teach them to respect their environment, to conserve nature as best they can, and to live lives that not only serve their own interests, but leave the world a better place.
It feels like all the people who want limited government really just want government limited to Republicans.
---The Daily Show