In that last ten years? Quite a lot actually. I have watched my government "illegally" squander the resources of the Social Security trust while systematically increasing payroll taxes and their thresholds. I have watched payroll taxes increase without any corresponding increase in services. I have watched my government orchestrate two financial crises that need not happen (although, neither were exactly intentional). I now contend with a Congress and Senate hellbent on passing legislation for which I see less popular support than is claimed by biased and directed polling. I can no longer fly out of certain airports in my private plane, because increased regulation in poor response to an unquantifiable threat has made it both time exhausting and inefficient. I can no longer secure my funds in anonymous Swiss Accounts with, ironically, do not bear interest and cost money to maintain. I can no longer capitalize short term investments without prohibitive penalties in the form of extra taxes.
In just the last week, I have watched a President threaten private business that done its due diligence and fulfilled its obligation. I have watched a sitting President coerce the private finance industry into to bearing the consequences of his decisions. And MOST damming of all, I have watched the majority of this nation applaud him for making that decision.
So, why do I think the time is approaching where there will be no alternatives? Because the government has been positioning itself against the people of this nation for at least the last 100 years. With the possible exception of Eisenhower's Presidency, the government has been mostly inefficient, mostly irresponsible, and mostly hellbent on micromanaging the lives of people who generally just want to be alone.
Hell, let's just look at the fraud that is the Healthcare Reform proposals coming out of our House and Senate. Indeed, let's just talk about the "Cadillac Insurance Policy" provisions.
'Cadillac' Insurance Plans ExplainedIf you read the link, you find that a "Cadillac" Policy has a total cost of $8500 a year or more in premiums, including the employer provided part of most group insurance policies. That will cover about 90% of all group policies in the country. So, the options become ...
Pay a tax for meeting a Federal Mandate.
Pay a fine and a tax for failing to meet a Federal Mandate.
Yet, the President is wrongfully claiming that these plans will increase coverage. He's actually outright lying. Because the threshold on "Cadillac" Policies is so low, this all amounts to an increase in taxation on EVERYONE, even those he promised not to tax. It will also eliminate the majority of group insurance policies provided by employers, because employees won't be able to meet the tax requirements for their "Cadillac" Policies. And then these people who "can afford" health insurance won't have access to whatever public option (or lack thereof) is being devised behind closed doors (so much for transparency there).
It's simply a tax grab (at best).
Do I think this is all unique to Obama? Not really. They're politicians. They make their living by selling Snake Oil to Used Cars Salesmen.
Oh, and since I might as well go on a rant here ...
Who the **** does Barack Obama think he is? At what point is it the banking industry's responsibility to pay for his decision to nationalize General Motors and liquidate Chrysler? They paid back their money. They got out from under his thumb, so his response is to tax them to pay for HIS boneheaded decisions as the executive? No, no, no, no, no ...
They don't owe anything to the taxpayers. They don't have to pay back the bailout of industries that were failing on their own. They aren't the enemy. And if he doesn't stop weaponizing compensation and competitive wages, then the real working talent in this country is going to look for greener pastures.
So what makes me think we're reaching that tipping point? We have an idiot in the White House who wants to scapegoat the last wealth generating industry in the United States for HIS MISTAKES.
Corolinth wrote:
Facism is not a school of thought, it is a racial slur.