Arathain Kelvar wrote:
Wwen wrote:
Oh no, people who helped vote us into this **** are having a tough time. Boo **** hoo.
I also agree about the veteran thing. I also never liked the, I forget the name, something sergeants association. They lobby congress for benefits for vets. I have issues with that, but that's a whole other topic.
Meh. Have problems with Congress, not with lobbyists. Just because they ask, doesn't mean Congress has to cave in.
The problem is Congress votes on so many ludicrously long and complex bills that comprehension of those bills by Congressmen is basically impossible. Since trying to delay a 5,000-page bill so people have time to actually read it is now "obstructionism," what do you expect to happen? When a lobbyist comes up to you and says, "this bill will kill small children!" I bet a lot of them are thinking, "Crap, really? I have no idea what the bill actually says, maybe I better take his word for it."