While I cant say I'd be happy to see a child of mine emulating smoking - I know it isnt a guaruntee of them smoking as I used to do it. They had the best candy cigs at my corner store, they were gum with a paper wrapper, but they sugared the gum under the wrapper so that you could puff sugar smoke hehehe - I loved those things! But down the road I came to the realization that smoking was essentialy just like standing up in a burning building, but more addictive. So I never started smoking. My sis didnt do the candy cigs, she started smoking around 16 or so and still smokes at 32 despte frequent quit attempts.
So I dont think I'd make a federal case out of it if I caught my child faking puffing on a smoke, but I would probably put educating them on the pitfalls of the habit soon thereafter
She probably started because she saw you smoking the candy ones and wanted to be like you.