Sam wrote:
Wwen wrote:
I don't want to waste time expounding only to have to respond to your wasted rebuttal. So, lets just agree to disagree.
So, you just wanted to waste time making a vague one liner in response to my post, but explaining your intent is too much it.
What, haven't you posted here before? Are you new?
Besides, Khross will just say it for me more betterer anyway. Why waste time typing? I'm here for my own entertainment, not everyone else. I don't perform for an audience. People ask Khross to perform for them all the time, which I think is bullshit. I'm at least honest with my abilities. My title says "peanut gallery" for a reason. I'm not gonna put a lot of effort into arguing when no one is likely to have their mind changed no matter how much effort I put into it.... But I digress...
Consequently, not voting for any of the media darlings is an option you're not considering. Or not voting at all. There are candidates that run that sound like an improvement to me, even if I don't agree 100% with everything they say, but unless you aren't on TV and get coverage, there's no way they'd get elected. People won't look for candidates outside of what the talking heads on TV present to us.
Considering that I see very little different about both parties that matter, I basically have one gang of good ole boys to vote for. I'd rather just not waste my time voting.