The Morning After:
That movie, in case you are wondering, was very freaky. Grown men were screaming/cussing during the movie. I have never seen people exit a theatre so fast, and there were guys not waiting for girls to get out of the way! In the bathroom afterwards, two girls were sitting there shaking.
After we got home, Nitefox and I made an agreement not to do anything that we saw in the movie towards each other and that if we did it would be ground for divorce, haha!
Then he had to pee and got mad when I followed him into the bathroom. I was too scared to be alone.
Then I had to pee, and I got mad when he wouldn't stay in the bathroom with me!! Then we both laughed at how scared I was.
I think he was a little irritated when I accidentally stepped on his foot while we were walking down the hallway in the dark on our way to bed.
Ever had an 8mths pregnant woman stuck to your back while you are trying to walk?
Sleeping was hard to do.
I refused to turn the light off. Poor Nitefox!
I spent quite a while praying and thinking how many people would come to know Jesus if I stood outside the theater and handed out bibles or pamphlets to people coming out of that movie, hahahaha!!
I did finally go to sleep, thank God.
When I woke up I was afraid to look at my watch...but it was 6:30am and not 3 something so I was relieved even though it was still dark outside.
Then I realized I had to pee. I laid in bed for a long time, seriously contemplating just wetting the bed to avoid having to get up by myself!
The sun came up. Whew.
I can't believe a movie has scared me so much. And the funny part is, the first half of the movie I was all "pshhh! This ain't scary!"
Boy was I wrong.
Anyone else have a hard time sleeping or peeing by themselves the first night after watching this movie?