Talya wrote:
Hannibal wrote:
The sad double standard being if he gave this same speech and talked about his straight parents, he would be picketed, slandered and called a homophobe.
Uh...no? Nobody debates that straight parents can effectively raise children. The point is, straight or gay, male or female, doesn't make a difference. One of the only practical arguments against gay marriage is this unsupported nonsense that children need both a man and a woman for parents (nevermind that less than half of children get that anyway). This man is proof that gay women can raise a child just fine.
No, I think it would happen as I proposed at least as whats been demonstrated by groups like HRC. I fight this double standard every time I go to PRIDE or other meetings. Tolerance is demanded but someties forgotten to be given. My point being is that there is an absolute prejudice against things percieved as "the establishment".
The only "requirement" I feel is needed for effictive raising of kids is a stable household. No revolving door father figures, no transient households, etc. All this pissing and posturing about who's better to raise kids is political theater. Honestly I think that two lesbians are better qualified to raise kids then two gay males just due to how I've seen how each type of couples typically act. In the end, I still believe that children need to be raised by their biological parents in a stable enviorment. Anything else, in my opinion, is just a substitute that will be less effective to some degree.