I swear, I read articles, columns, etc., about things that I
know - in some cases intimately - and think to myself, "What reality is this person living in?!" I mentioned this in my comment about reviews of
The Eagle, and have just come across it again, this time in
The New York Times, for cryin' out loud:
Unfortunately, so far, Speaker Boehner has not been all that helpful. There is very little in Washington that can’t be explained by an episode of the original “Star Trek,” and Boehner is playing out the one where the Romulan captain prefers the ways of peace but is saddled with a crew that will mutiny if he fails to follow through on the plan to blow up the galaxy.
OK, there are, what, three episodes with Romulans in them in TOS.
Balance of Terror,
The Enterprise Incident, and ...
The Deadly Years. (OK, I had to look up the last one, and I don't think they actually even appeared in that episode.) There are no peaceful Romulans in any of these episodes ... Oh, wait, is she talking about Balance of Terror? That captain isn't particularly peaceful, just tired. And there isn't any plan to blow up the galaxy, just the Enterprise.