Elmarnieh wrote:
I read it as hes stating that individual effort has zero to do with how one does in our society because of that web of factors - which alludes to the fact that even one's own personal differences are not "individual effort" in his mind.
Which I believe reflects your own prejudiced view of me, rather than the most plausible reading of my statement.
Here's what I actually wrote:
Your ability to accumulate that wealth was dependent on an intricate web of factors...that have nothing whatsoever to do with your personal efforts.
Here's what I meant:
Your ability to accumulate that wealth was partially dependent on an intricate web of factors...that have nothing whatsoever to do with your personal efforts.
However, because you seem to think I'm a closet communist, you're inserting the word "entirely" instead:
Your ability to accumulate that wealth was entirely dependent on an intricate web of factors...that have nothing whatsoever to do with your personal efforts.
Could I have explicitly included the word "partially" or used some legalese like "factors including, but not limited to, the following"? Sure, but I submit that virtually no one (indeed, not even a genuine communist) thinks personal effort is
completely irrelevant to one's financial success, so the former reading (i.e. what I meant) is the obvious common sense one, while the latter (i.e. what you understood) is very implausible. Explicitly including the word "partially" should not have been necessary. Also, even if there was genuine confusion, as Aizle pointed out, a simple request for clarification/confirmation would have sufficed to straighten it out.
At any rate, like I said before, I'm bored of the meta-argument on this. Let it be known far and wide that I do in fact believe personal effort is a major factor in determining one's success in life, particularly when success is measured relative to others in the same country and historical period. I just don't believe it's the whole story.