Khross wrote:
It is an inflection point. The nature and tone of your posts changed. The method of your posts changed. Your general forum behavior changed.
Well, I suppose truth, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder, but from my perspective that's not the case. In my view, it's your tone (and to a lesser extent the tone of the forum as a whole) that changed. I think you, and the forum generally, became much more strident during the last Presidential election and the subsequent Obama years, just as the conservative wing of the electorate did (and just as the left did during the Bush years). As a result, someone standing relatively still (i.e. me) appears to you to be careening leftward when in fact it's you who is rushing to the right (using "left" and "right" in the loosest sense of the terms).
In addition to that phenomenon, I think Monty's presence or absence has a lot to do with your perception of my tone and position. When Monty was here on a regular basis, he defined the left-most boundary of the forum, so I appeared reasonable and centrist by comparison. Indeed, people often explicitly pointed to me as a counter-example when arguing with him. Whenever he was away on a suspension, however, I noticed that ideological tension/irritation (generally from you) started to come my way much more frequently. Then Monty would come back, and I would again be the "reasonable liberal". As Monty's absences began to outlast his periods of involvement, and certainly once he was gone entirely, Aizle, TheRiov, and I became the leftward boundary of the Glade and the thorns in your ideological side, so to speak.
In short...relativity...reference points...and so on.