I do 'level 2' technical support for a large retail corporation, supporting everything electronic in the store is I guess the best way to describe. We have knowledge articles for EAS pedastals, flatbed scanners, Walls of Eye's (3x3 60" TV Display), intercom systems, phone systems etc.. help desk takes calls on everything, I dont think I have ever worked on an EAS pedastal for example. On a daily basis, I work in an old converted warehouse, converted to an office building, I come in at 3pm-11pm, by between 4:30-6pm the building clears out and I am by myself in a cubicle, with a security guard at there post downstairs, with no windows. After 6pm, nothing happens, stores are busy and dont call for stupid crap.
Usually work involves alot of writing of knowledge articles for the help desk, we keep the knowledgebase up to date, search for XX error there will be step by step instructions on how to fix it, and who to get in touch with if doesnt work. Our help desk take incoming calls and escalate what we dont want them touching cause of regulations (i.e HIPAA for pharmacy) in a ticketing system, stuff they cant resolve, etc we then work the cases and call stores back. Our Top 20 stores usually call in directly, for 'catastrophic' failures, POS system down, main DB server, etc. Involves everything from Suse 3.5
To Windows 7 on our new builds. We have Dual 386 33MHZ Database servers, up to Dell 2600 Powerware's. Typical day is probably 5-6 tickets and 5 hours of boredom....I do get to work from home on Friday and Sunday's though, weekend's are even slower, Im lucky to get 2 tickets on a Sunday.