This thread went KABOOM while I was at work!
Khross wrote:
Where is my soup?
Why are you not submitting these soups to Lord Doom?
Must I come scold you heathens in person?
I got your soup right here!
Elessar wrote:
Does your shop sell only soups Tamaar?
10 soups daily, plus sandwiches, salads, and fresh lemonade.
Rynar wrote:
Also, some roasted corn.
Corn was on the list. Also file, which wasn't.
NephyrS wrote:
Tamaar, do you have a good recipe for a Roasted Corn soup? We're starting to get in some really good fresh corn at our farmer's market. I've been cutting it off the cob, and pan-roasting it with peppers and onions, and then using that mixture for the basis of burritos, salads, and salsas. But I'd like to expand that into a soup.
I don't, but I'll pick Dustin's brain tomorrow. I'd be roasting it on the cob and cutting it after, though.
Khross wrote:
Lord Doom is still wondering why he has no soup!
*glowers at the Soup Chef in residence*
It's here. Come get it or pay for delivery.