shuyung wrote:
Hannibal wrote:
Whatever gets his canidate the most votes next election cycle- duh.
No, no, I'm serious. I don't believe I've seen from Monty, nor from anyone else, an inventory of what they reference when speaking of "health care". How close are you to the "Aspirin is freely procurable" end of things vs. the "We can fix him, we have the technology" end of things?
I'll answer this one for myself, as it's an excellent question, and really does color any discussion it touches on. Knowing the answer that the person you're debating with really makes the discussion that much more productive and informative.
I believe that technological and medical advances are the primary source of our increasing health costs, and the increasing share of our GDP that the health care industry represents. I believe it has done this by increasing our societal expectations as to what our "rights" and "deserves" are. Actually, believe is the wrong word for the aforestated two sentences. I think it's demonstrable.
I believe, however, that our expectations have inflated at a rate not commensurate with our ability. The divorcing of ourselves from cost and accountability has created a gap in "reasonability" of many treatments, and the fact that what we're dealing with is so precious to us -- our own and our loved ones' lives -- makes pointing out that unreasonability societally taboo and certainly uncomfortable.
I, on the other hand, don't mind saying that the solution to health care costs is to accept that we're mortal, and will die. Those with greater means can afford to postpone it longer. Those with lesser, cannot. To demand otherwise is economically and societally infeasible -- to increase the supply of care to even be able to match the best care available and provide it to everybody would essentially have our entire society center around supporting those who are no longer productive in our society; a situation that would collapse in staggeringly short order. To mandate lesser care for all seems more inhumane than the free market solution.