Xequecal wrote:
I'm sorry, but the general extreme anti-redistributionist attitude shared by so many conservatives, that it's better to let millions of people die rather than take one cent from someone who "earned" it and give it to someone who didn't, is far more horrible than any leftist agenda. And when I say this, I'm not talking about when conservatives argue that the "millions of people will die" theory is wrong, and that millions of people wouldn't actually die. I'm referring to when they agree that millions would die, and are perfectly OK with pushing that same agenda anyway.
Except that this isn't the attitude of most conservatives. Mainly because A) these people will not just die and B) most conservatives aren't against ALL social safety nets; they're against the extreme ones we have now and the even more extreme ones leftists want. You love to use some of the exteme ideas on this board as a strawman, and you forget that a lot of these discussions represent general principles, not actual workable ideas.
Furthermore, what's really even more horrible is the fact that leftists think all they have to do is argue "but people will die if we don't!" and then their agenda must be aceded to regardless of how many people will actually die and whether any will at all, and what the alternative actually is. People die. Arguing "People will die if we don't do things my way!" is the worst of emotional blackmail, combined with total bullshit that modern politics has to offer.
Now, while we're crusading against political philosophies, I would suggest that something needs to be done about the rather disgusting general conservative belief that there is basically only one problem in the world - laziness. To conservatives, all other problems are simply manifestations of laziness. If you are unemployed, it's because you're too lazy to find a job or to do the job that's available. If you lost all your money in the stock market crash, it's because you were too lazy to research the risks. Did you buy AAA-rated mortgage securities? Nope, still a lazy ****, you should have figured it out in advance. Did your new startup business fail? If you had worked harder and planned better, it wouldn't have failed. Did someone shoot you in the face? Well, if you weren't uselessly lazy, you'd have checked out the area you were traveling through beforehand. You'd have traveled in a group. You would have bought a gun and learned how to use it. It's really your own fault that this happened.
Again, you're using some of the more extreme ideas presented on this board as a strawman of "conservative". More importantly, this idea that "laziness" is the entire problem is really not representative of an actual belief so much as a backlash against the willingness of leftists to blame every social problem on something or someone other than the person affected. Liberals simply cannot stand the idea that it actually may be the fault of the little guy.
To conservatives, things like random chance, bad luck, disadvantaged upbringing, racial prejudice, natural variations in intellect/ability, and homophobia are all irrelevant - these are excuses for lazy people. If you weren't so **** lazy, you'd succeed despite these things. In addition to dismissing every unemployed person as worthless, this leads conservatives to do things like crap all over professions like psychology, because they believe these people aren't actually sick, they're just lazy, and come up with ridiculous platitudes to justify this. If you're an alcoholic, you don't need a psychologist, you just need to stop drinking. Stop being a useless lazy ****, man up, and just stop drinking, and you won't be an alcoholic. If you have OCD, man up and stop counting ****, and you won't have OCD anymore. See how easily I can solve all the world's problems?
The fact that you're comparing random chance and bad luck to disadvantaged upbringing or racial predjudice just points out how idiotic your position is. Sure, some people just get hit by an overwhelming combination of problems that they have no chance against, and they deserve help. That is not the same as these other problems:
Homophobia? Not a meaningful problem. Plenty of homosexual people succeed.
Racial predjudice? Essentially dead as a barrier to success, and has been for close to 30 years. This is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. Liberals are still trying to solve social problems that no longer exist. Racial predjudice by individuals will never go away, but institutionalized racism is not only dead, it has reversed. No race faces meaningful racial barriers to success; the major barrier there is using race as an excuse to fail
Poor upringing? Why is this a problem? You shouldn't get special help because you were brought up poor. If anything, that should be an advantage since you should be learning early to work hard for what you get.
The worst offender is natural ability. People with less natural ability should be more likely to fail. Period. Why would we ever expect our best, brightest people to try to achieve, otherwise?
As for alcoholism and the like, yes people with problems need help, but they also need to
help themselves. Yet liberals are willing to make endless excuses, mainly involving how enough money wasn't spent, when they drink themselves to death or whatever. My dad drank himself to death. It was his **** fault. He didn't need counselling, or help, he got that ****. I used my most persuasive arguments and ultimately
he did not stop drinking. Stop making **** excuses.
Have you ever tried to accomplish anything seriously
hard in your life? I don't mean "I had to do a lot of work in school and write a thesis" hard, I mean "holy **** I don't know if I can keep going" hard. My father never did, until he had to stop drinking - and then he failed because no one ever made him do anything
hard. He got an electrical engineering degree and a law degree but he never had it tough other than the intellectual demands and when it came time to stop drinking he was unequal to the task.
People like you kill alcoholics every day. You tell them they need help, counselling, what the **** ever. Yes, they need that, but they also NEED TO MAKE THEMSELVES STOP DRINKING! No one else can do it for them.
The only exception to the "all problems are laziness" mantra would of course be the government, it's the government's fault if you fail because the government interfered. But of course, under conservative philosophy, the government as a concept is also just another form of laziness - it's created by people who don't want to work and want to force other people to give them the stuff they worked for. This is the only thing government does, so we have to smash it down as much and as often as possible.
And largely, that IS what government does. There is an endless parade of people in and out of the Capitol Building asking the government to fund this, that, or the other "cure" social ill.
Now that we've dismissed every problem in the world as really being due to the laziness of the person suffering it, it's now much easier to withdraw all aid and handouts. After all, if these people die as a result, whatever they died of was their own fault. If they hadn't been lazy, they wouldn't have died! So we're all better off that all these worthless lazy people are now all gone.
None of these people deserve, or are entitled to, government aid in the first place. You seem to think that this aid is some sort of default, and that eliminating it requires justification. That is not true. The continuance of assistance is where the burden of proof lies. Had the capacity for that aid never existed int he first place, where would these people have been?
Quite frankly, the suggestion that whenever someone fails to function in a society, it's ALWAYS totally and completely the fault of the person who has failed, without exception, is far more unrealistic and damaging than any liberal position.
Well, then stop stacking them most extreme example of conservative frusteration against everyday liberals. It's dishonest as hell, and in any case, it all is just based on nothing mroe than your personal revulsion. Ok, you don't like it that people might die. Well, **** you.