Xequecal wrote:
This is because public health care systems can spend money on prevention and health awareness, which as we all know is several times more effective than waiting for a problem and then paying to treat it.
Private health care can't do prevention, it's a classic prisoner's dilemma. If I run ads telling people not to smoke and to exercise, I benefit because my costs go down. But the thing is, my competitors' customers also see the same ads, and his costs also go down. Since I spent the money and he didn't, it's a relative loss for me. The result is everyone eschews prevention campaigns, which is a huge inefficiency.
Sir, I submit to you that it is NOT the place of a public or private health system to have campagins to raise awareness. While it's a nice thing to do, in the end, it's the consumers responsibility to become educated. Companies should have the information available, but a campagin to feed it to people is a needless expense and in my opinon, wasted money. Ignorant is as ignorant does.
I eat a balanced diet. I exercise daily. I do not, and have never smoked. I do not drink to excess. When I've been overwhelmed with stress I've sought out counciling. All of these things I do because I feel they enhance my life, and I recieve tangible benefits for them. Most people don't want to start facing lifestyle changes until after they lose a few appendages to diabetes, or lose the cartilidge in their knees from carrying too much fat. The difference between myself and "them" is that I am making an effort to promote and maintain my own health. They are not. And no amount of slap happy feel good campagins are going to make a person change until that person has a NEED to change. Most of these people do not have that need yet.
Those of us who are healthy by our own doing are going to be lumped in with the people who are unhealthy by their own doing. We have to be, because we lower their risk group. If people were insured based on their lifestyle choices, rightfully so those people would be in a higher risk. And they would pay more for those choices. I pay less because I get my *** up and run in the morning. Why should I now pay more for them?