Kaffis Mark V wrote:
You cut the most offensive part!
Vindicarre wrote:
Sigh, the usual Friday release with the addition of a non-prosecution agreement - sickening.
Heh, I figured folks would know what a non-prosecution agreement was.
Kaffis Mark V wrote:
"So, uh, yeah, guys. We're not going to say we did anything wrong, or that anything's our fault. But we'll agree to help you construct a "Statement of Facts" that we agree with, so long as you say it can't be used against us in a trial. Because, you know, that would be like the government suing itself, at this point, and nobody needs that kind of hassle, right? But it's okay, because we'll accept responsibility -- so long as that responsibility isn't being publicly vilified (because, hey, we didn't do anything wrong!) or prosecuted."
I figured it went like this:
"So, guys, people are figuring out the real causes of the housing market collapse. We need someone to blame. We're going to charge you with securities fraud...no, no wait, I know you were only doing what Congress told you to do, and all. The problem is that we need someone to blame, and quick. I'll tell you what, we'll just charge you and not prosecute you, okay? As long as we drop the news on Friday and you don't talk about it, we'll put that in the agreement so you have an excuse, it'll go away quickly. Most people won't even pay attention, and even if they do, who's going to notice that we didn't prosecute? I mean it's the charges that will get reported if the media talks about it at all, and you won't even have to admit you did anything wrong. It's a win win! "
"Dress cops up as soldiers, give them military equipment, train them in military tactics, tell them they’re fighting a ‘war,’ and the consequences are predictable." —Radley Balko