Elmarnieh wrote:
The chances of any given city having a high level wizard is quite low. High level wizards are rare because it takes so long and entails so much risk. Given the equipment difference in NPC and PC's as outlined in the books its very very unlikely most NPC wizards will survive their teen levels if they even make it that far.
The chance of any given city having a high level wizard is quite high in most prepared settings like FR, and in any prepared setting it is whatever the DM says it is. The DMG suggestions for world building are only suggestions, not rules. As for the equipment differences, those are not rules either and do not apply to NPC adventurers, especially if... the DM says so.
]And yes DE we are talking about "according to the rules" because that is the only shared standards that exist. I would also find it quite odd if any given DM were to always have a high level wizard around to counter destroying a city because that is unrealistic.
"The rules" are written under the assumption of change by the DM and so no, they are not the only "common standards that exist". Proving that a wizard is more powerful than a fighter at a certain level within RAW is pointless. The question is, can we have a fun game where Joe plays a fighter and Tim plays a wizard, and can it be done with a reasonable amount of effort by the DM, or does he have to redesign major game elements to make it work. The answer is no, he doesn't, especially if Tim is not a total *******.
According to who it's unrealistic? Practically every city of any size in FR has a wizard at least capable of countering a flying invisible enemy. I don't find it any more unrealistic than a fantasy setting is in the first place.
Lets assume a high level fighter and high level wizard both want to destroy X city and both are naked. Both wait or arrange for most or all high level NPC's to be of town (wizard won't care about high level melee's as the wizard will be flying and improve invised). They both wait till night to attack.
At the worst the warrior is swarmed by town guard aiding another and wearing him down. At worst the wizard burns and kills only parts of the city because enough low level people were there to put out fires and swarm the summoned creatures with enough spells that some of them made them poof.
At best the warrior runs around naked with a weapon killing random semi important people and throwing as many fire bombs as he can till he is pumped full of arrows. At best the town is a still burning inferno with a few fire immune gated in demons to ensure the escaping populations are mostly slaughtered and the wizard is currently at home with the most buxom of the city giving him a nice foot massage thnx dominate person.
What is the point of this utterly silly comparison? If a high level fighter wanted to destroy a city, he'd go A) get himself a weapon and armor and B) get himself an army, in any kind of campaign of interest. Who in the hell plays in a campaign where fighters (or wizards for that matter) strip naked to wipe out a city? Yes, we get it; it's really easy to prove that wizards are more powerful than fighters if you're A) a rules lawyer and B) you invent silly scenarios that make sense only within their own self-contained vaccuum.. and in this case not even then. Really, naked fighter attacks city? What's his wisdom score, a 2?
If your DM is ALWAYS countering things that should be surprises to people with far too many high level NPC's too well equipped for what the world (so far in your gaming with them) showed there to be - the DM is also a problem.
It's a problem if the DM makes things like wiping out cities a challenge, rather than doing it with impunity? What the **** is the point of playing then?
Suffice to say naked high level wizard >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> naked high level fighter.
The fact that you need to specify "naked" in the first place says multitudes about the relevance of this argument and your motives for making it.