Nitefox wrote:
This article is hilarious.
One more truth: the U.S. has gradually evolved from a country using black slave labor into a country that freely elected a black American as president. The “Affordable Health Care for America Act,” however, was imposed on the country overnight, the same way the Marxist health care system was imposed on Romania.
This is about the worst comparison possible. Did the author just conveniently forget about the Civil Rights Act, or all sorts of laws that
imposed racial equality on the people?
America’s health care system represents one-sixth of the economy. The total U.S. gross domestic product is $14.1 trillion, and one-sixth means about $2.35 trillion. Considering that the length of a dollar bill is 6.4 inches, a trillion dollar bills laid end to end would make a chain 96,906,565.66 miles long — extending almost 4 million miles beyond the sun.[iii] This unimaginably immense amount of tax money was paid by “we the people,” who should at the very least have been given a say about how it was to be spent.
He also appears to believe that the entire health care budget is being paid by tax money.
Now the French patients are learning that if they discreetly slip an envelope with cash into the pocket of the doctor’s white lab coat hanging in his office, they will get more “attention.” A little extra attention may be vital in such a government-run health care system, where doctors are obliged by law to see sixty to seventy patients a day.
As opposed to the system we have now, where fee-for-service reimbursements are so low that doctors have to.....see a massive amount of patients per day? I don't see a whole lot of corruption coming out of that.
Our American political servants who mindlessly approved the 2,000-plus pages of the Affordable Health Care for America Act also scrambled for cover. All, from those working in Congress to those working in White House, granted themselves American versions of Helias and Gerota. None of them wanted to put his life in the hands of a nationalized health care system run by bureaucrats. Some 1,200 companies that had given grants to the Democratic Party and labor unions representing 543,812 workers also received waivers from part of the health care reform law.
This is another outright lie. They didn't get waivers, they got extensions, but even all these unions still have to accede to the mandate by 2018 at the latest.