Over the last few years, I've become more of a "binge watcher". I rarely watch shows as they air, but instead catch up on seasons or even entire series over a relatively short period of time by watching multiple episodes at a sitting. The only exceptions, really, have been Game of Thrones, Walking Dead and the first season of The Killing. Everything else has been DVD and Netflix binges. Consequently, I found
this article, critiquing binge-watching, pretty interesting. Money quote:
Our best friends are the ones we see every so often for years, and TV characters should be the same way. I feel like I grew up with Michael Scott, because I spent 22 minutes a week with him every Thursday night for seven years. A friend of mine who recently cranked through all eight seasons of The Office in two weeks (really) probably thinks of Carrell's character like someone he hung out with at an intensive two-week corporate seminar and never saw again. Binge-watching reduces the potential for such deep, Draper-like relationships. While the Grantland piece argues that binges are the only way to forge “deep emotional connections,” in fact, the opposite is true.
I have to admit, the shows I watched as they aired over the course of years have definitely stuck with me in a way the ones I've watched all at once likely won't. And I do kind of miss looking forward to a particular day of the week because a new episode of some great show would be on, as well as all the post-episode or post-season speculation/anticipation that followed. On the other hand, there is something to be said for the immersiveness of watching a season or series in a compressed timeframe. I don't know.... What do you guys prefer?