Hopwin wrote:
Jasmy wrote:
Herbal treatments have been around for thousands of years. Aspirin was derived from willow bark, which has been used for centuries. Personally I'm using a black cohosh supplement for my hot flashes and night sweats. Aloe vera is great for burns and sunburn, oatmeal baths are good for itching due to poison oak/ivy...the list goes on and on. I don't think people should stop seeing medical doctors for serious treatments, however for every day common ailments, home remedies that have been used for thousands of years can and do work, and can save a few dollars. Myself, I'd rather eat raw garlic cloves than take another big pharma pill that costs me $20, if the garlic can do the same thing as the big pharma pill without the side effects!
The same folk remedies used for thousands of years where our life expectancy was 30 years, then 40? Or the same folk remedies sold by snake oil salesmen that led to the Pure Food and Drug Act? Or the same folk remedies that prevented my mother's blood pressure medication from working because you can slap any claim without any clinical trials on a bottle so long as you add the caveat "results not evaluated by the FDA"?
A bit testy are we?
If your mother was on blood pressure meds she should never have taken a folk remedy without talking to her doctor first.
As far as your other questions, you will notice that I never said everyone should go back to using only folk remedies. I choose to use certain herbal/folk remedies because it's my body and I prefer not to suffer through the side effects of certain drugs that doctors commonly prescribe.