Lenas wrote:
You can change anything you want. You don't know what you're talking about.
I'm getting contrary reports from other people that have Windows 8.
Diamondeye wrote:
Windows doesn't require restarts for applications updating through the Microsoft Store. Windows Updates can still be scheduled to happen whenever you want, or you can do them manually. You don't know what you're talking about.
I was talking about Windows 8 updating itself, and since this has happened to corpmates in the middle of fleets, yes, I do know that you cannot stop an OS update, even if you can stop the app updates. You evidently do not know what I am talking about.
Diamondeye wrote:
You can change any of those things. Big icons, small icons, custom graphics or colors for icons. You don't know what you're talking about.
Yes, you can get a third party overlay like what Midgen uses to make them go away. Making the icons bigger, smaller, or different colors is not helpful. You evidently do not know what I am talking about... again. If you could actually GET RID OF THEM, that classic shell thing Midgen has wouldn't be so necessary.
Diamondeye wrote:
Products I use every day by choice. Yes, they are awesome. I think the NSA has taught us that it doesn't matter where you put things, they're still going to look at them.
Because clearly, when stored on your hard drive where you can turn off the power when not using it, or on a thumb drive that can be unplugged when not in use, that doesn't reduce the likelyhood or anything. You know, there's also what Microsoft or other corporations might be doing with that data. Yes, this sounds like a great idea, and we should just toss up our hands in despair and accept it because you can then use your computer on your phone or whatever.
Diamondeye wrote:
I'm not intimidated by you not liking what I like. I'm annoyed that you don't understand any of your own objections to something, because you obviously haven't used it yourself.
I didn't claim to have used it myself. However, I can clearly see that Midgen has discovered an awesome shell to put over it that wouldn't be necessary in order to get rid of pointless "functionality" if you actually could get rid of the obnoxious features. I can also clearly understand it when someone tells me on TeamSpeak "yes, my computer is shutting down right now and no I can't help it." I don't need to have used it myself to object to things as they are described to me. My objections are to things that preclude using it myself in the first place. I do not need to drive a Pinto in order to know it was a shitty automobile, either, nor fly a P-39 to understand its shortcomings as a fighter.
You might wanted to have taken that last line in the obvious tongue-in-cheek manner it was meant. The fact is that you just start trying to talk down to everyone as soon as they state some dislike for your favorite new toy. It's like listening to 4E enthusiasts tell everyone they were wrong and stupid for liking 3.5 better than
WoW on paper 4E. I can clearly see that windows 8 is aimed at touchscreens and that right there is a near-total disqualifier in my book. Tocuhscreens get filthy and dirty constantly, and your fingers take up the screen typing, and they provide no tactile feedback. They suck.