The ability of the gaming community to overthink things and generally freak out is truly astonishing. You should ahve seen the uproar about 6 months back when it got out that there would be "no raids" in ESO. By "no raids" they meant "we call them Adventure Zones and they won't work quite like raids in WoW because we are not trying to beat WoW and being WoW" but the community instantly jumped to the conclusion that this meant "no high-end PVE whatsoever".
What made this doubly hilarious was that some of the people freaking out the worst were gaming site staff, who were going to meet Matt Frior personally at PAX east which was less than a week after this revelation. Never mind waiting until we can speak to the man in person and clarify a few days from now, guys, let's have a complete meltdown now!
Right now, there's people freaking out that the races are divided into 3 factions. Never mind that this has been known for a year, now that the game is in Beta let's start talking about how it means IMPENDING DOOM!! Because we all know that Bet is the right time to decide we don't like the underlying premise of a game, and demand it be changed.
In all honesty, I haven't spent much time on the RSI forums, but from what I have seen the community there actually seems to be more realistic and has a smaller proportion of total idiots than ESO's community does. EVE has occasional freakouts about how the game is doomed by some gameplay element that's been around for most or all of it's 10 year history too, but that community mostly laughs off the stupid too. I'm starting to wonder if space games just attract fewer idiots in general.
_________________ "Hysterical children shrieking about right-wing anything need to go sit in the corner and be quiet while the adults are talking."