RangerDave wrote:
Diamondeye wrote:
And yet, Iraq IS NOT ANALAGOUS to PPACA. Iraq was a source of legitimate controversy - there were two sides to the debate which itself was many-faceted. PPACA is not 2 sided.
I disagree. I think it was pretty damn obvious by 2005 that the Bush Administration had royally screwed the pooch in Iraq.
Not only have you moved the goalposts from "lied" to "screwed the pooch" but you've moved them to a meaningless point. What is "screwed the pooch" supposed to mean? I guarantee it being "obvious" that the pooch was indeed screwed assumes agreement with liberal ideas about what not screwing the pooch would look like.
Diamondeye wrote:
Being the "signature issue" is irrelevant.
Again, I disagree. The importance of the policy being critiqued is very relevant to whether or not that critique demonstrates lack of partisanship. Criticizing your guy for something few voters care about or something that's only a minor aspect of his policy agenda is basically cost-free. The real test is whether you criticize him for things that will actually be electorally damaging.
It's irrelevant because the liberal outlets have no choice but to criticize him. It's not like they are going to be able to argue the website works, or that people didn't lose their plans, or convince anyone that losing their plan after being promised they could keep it is somehow a good thing.
Diamondeye wrote:
Zionism is, by definition, ethnic nationalism grounded in a religious belief that the lands of Israel are the rightful homeland of the Jewish people, and it is the founding principle of the modern Israeli state. Moreover, the ultra-Orthodox, greater-Israel (i.e. no return to pre-1967 borders, no two-state solution) movement is increasingly powerful in Israeli politics, so the country has become much more blatantly ethno-nationalist and apartheid oriented in the last 10-20 years. Don't get me wrong - their neighbors are infinitely worse, but in my opinion, Israel doesn't have much in the way of moral high ground left either. More and more, they're turning into the lesser of two evils instead of the good guys. And I see no reason why the US should give them a free pass on that ****, particularly when it harms our own national interests, rather than condition our support on better behavior, more respect for human rights in the occupied territories, and a genuine commitment to a two-state solution in the conceivable future.
That would assume that A) a 2-state solution is even viable, given that the other side wants a one state (that state being "anything run by Arab muslims") solution and rejected 2 states back in 1947. It also takes the questionable position that it is somehow harming our interests to support Israel, and makes a lot of highly questionable assertions about Israeli politics, especially in light of the untrustworthiness of those they are supposed to be dealing with. It's entirely too easy for us or the Europeans to sit over here and be critical of the Israelis just because the Arab states have given up on major armed conflict and let the Palestinians take the role of underdog.
To the degree Israel is ethno-nationalist it is because their opponents have made it clear that being anything else will be used as an inroad to end the Israeli state as it presently exists, wither through conquest or through the weight of numbers were they to hand out citizenship and franchise. This is a perfect example of why "human rights" as an international issue is a complete fraud.