Kaffis Mark V wrote:
27/50 (ugh. Though, if I were to do it again tomorrow, I'd probably be back up to the high 30's, there was a lot of /facepalm going on today)
I think I was more like 12/50 myself. (See above)
10/13 (I'm amazed I spelled Saskatchewan first try. Kicking myself on PEI and New Brunswick, no regrets on missing Nunavut)
That's impressive. 13/13 here, but Canadians have it easy for geography, it's easy for us to memorize 10 provinces and 3 territorie, though there were only 2 territories when I went to school. Nunavut was created not that long ago.
is an interesting place, historically, though. Nunavut is an Inuktitut word, and is basically the only remaining native american population that was never kicked off their land. The measly population of about 30,000 people in the entire massive territory is over 80% Inuit.
I forget my total, here. I think it was also 3/31, but if you actually KNEW those three, you know mexico better than I do. The only province I knew for a fact was Jalisco (the only place in the world that tequila is made.) The others i guessed by plugging in mexican place names I'd heard of until some of them stuck.
40/47 (and damn that's harsh on Bosnia)
You beat me! 39/47. But I count it as 40, and you should count yours as 41.
The fact that I typed "Bosnia," "Herzegovina," and "Bosnia & Herzegovina" never got me credit for "Bosnia and Herzegovina." That was bloody ridiculous.