Title says it all
I work for a contract security company. I've been a manager at an account for oh, 4 years or so. I found out a couple weeks ago that my company recently lost the contract, and the new company coming not only pays crap, but only wants part time people. Fortunately, I was informed of a new contract we were getting, which also had a managers position, and it was opening up just about the same time as my old one was ending, so I put my name and resume in for the new position, as did 2 other managers from different contracts in the area. I was pretty sure that if I didn't get the new spot, one of the other managers would, and I could slide into that newly vacant position.
Today, I find out the new contract chose a manager my company used to employ like a year and a half ago, who I had thought LEFT THE COMPANY as their new manager (contract managers are chosen by the client, while security officers are placed by my company. Manager and officer all work for my company) basically on resume alone, without even talking to the other three of us even over the phone. Obviously my boss is annoyed that the new contract didn't even talk to other people he submitted (he must have submitted the person they picked along with the rest of us, so I guess he was still 'on file' or something)...
Now this is really bad because although I still have a job, its most likely going to pay $3 to $4 less an hour, or less than that, I'm not quite sure yet... and I won't be able to afford the place I'm living in atm at that new lower rate... so not only am I going to lose that manager's post and payrate, but I also am 95% likely going to have to move on top of it

Yea, not what I wanted to hear today