Müs wrote:
I see it comes with 6 months of insurance. How do I upgrade that to forever?
Aww, crap. Had you asked this two weeks ago, any of a number of us could've helped you to do so. As of November 26th, though, no new ships with LTI are available, so we can't convert for you anymore.
The good news is this: shortly after the crowdfunding campaign ended, it quickly became apparent that offering LTI was a bad idea, so they went and backtracked on the significance of base "hull insurance" that LTI replaces. In short, instead of insurance on your ship being a primary moneysink, they broke it down into multiple pieces, of which LTI only covered the base hull, or the stock ship, so that the standard insurance for the base hull could be made a trivial upkeep cost that won't be a problem for anybody to cover.
Instead, the cash sink burden has been shifted to insuring the upgrades, modifications, and cargo you add to your ship.
So, barring any unknown future promotions, it can't be done (but if one comes up, I'll try to remember to make a point to tell you and help out), but it is officially not supposed to be a "big deal" as CIG has done everything they could to trivialize the LTI vs. standard insurance thing except actually take LTI away from the people who have it.