Hmm. Lessee here.. nope, I guess I can't export any data or make it publicly viewable unless I upgrade to a paid account with Surveymonkey, so I guess I should just summarize manually.
I got 15 responses, including myself.
For "What activities would you participate in as a member of the Void Rangers?" the top four answers were Exploration (12), Bounty Hunting and Salvaging (tied at 11 each), and Smuggling/Black Market Trade (10). Escort Contracts and Shipping & Mercantile followed closely at 9, then the others dropped to the 3-6 range.
The Main Avocation ranking averages went as follows (out of 10 ranks): Exploration (8.07), Bounty Hunting (7.47), Salvaging (6.27), Escort Contracts (6.07), Shipping & Mercantile (5.80), Smuggling & Black Market Trade (5.60), Racing (4.93), Contract Killing (4.07), Shipping Lane Piracy (3.93), Raiding Colonies (2.80)
Of note there is that Shipping and Escort Contracts got a boost of a couple places in the rankings vs. the "Which Activities" question due to 3 people rating Shipping in the top 2 ranks and 6 people rating Escorts in #3, vs. a heavy distribution of people placing smuggling in the middle spots. 7 respondents rated Exploration as their #1, and 4 people rated Bounty Hunting #1, which tracks pretty well with community polls done on the RSI site.
"What the UEE doesn't know I do in frontier systems won't hurt me, so long as I don't get caught" was the clear winner in the law question, with 13 respondents. The other two fell on the more lawful side of that, so it looks like we'll be behaving ourselves in UEE space but looking to spend our time past or on the edges of it.

Speaking of which, the support for our center of operations was definitely "On or near the borders..." 11 voted for that, with the other four split between supporting a nomadic existence and going even further beyond the borders.
The one about Void Rangers' reputation running counter to your own was evenly split between not being concerned, maybe being bothered a little, and the "too early to tell" response. On the bright side, it looks like so far, we're all on pretty similar pages with respect to reputations anyways.
13 of the respondents favored the "some grouping, but soloing is okay, too" answer.
14 people want to be gunners or ship crew sometimes.
For the Role in Coordinated Operations rankings, we got 7 rating Dogfighting as their #1 response. The averages went (out of 11, this time.. oops) Dogfighting (7.93), Ambush (7.00), Recon (7.00), Cap Ship Bridge Officer (6.20), Cargo (6.20), Gunner (6.07), Bait (5.87), CIC (5.60), Bomber (5.07), Repair (5.00), and Boarding Specialist (4.07).
Boarding, Repair, Bait, Bridge Officer, and Ambush were the only ones that didn't have any #1 responses, so I don't think we'll have to twist any arms to get folks doing a critical role if we all get together.