These numbers don't correlate to the ones above:
1. Working hard is good, but burning yourself out doesn't do you any favors. I learned to balance everything better, without burning myself out.
2. The end is a lot easier than the beginning and middle in regards to the path to a degree. It's easy to motivate yourself when you're almost there. It's those 8am classes in the middle of your degree program that test your ambition.
3. People will always have excuses for themselves, but it's never going to be okay for you to use them, so just work hard and don't give yourself a reason to need them. Plenty of people in powerful positions once had the very same excuses, but it's not acceptable for you to have them, in their eyes. Life isn't hard, you're just weak. That's the view of the world. So toughen up and brace yourself. I've learned to say "F* those people" and live my life the way I want to live, by my own values. I don't need an excuse. I'm at where I'm at in life because I chose to be. In fact, "their" definition of success and a good life really doesn't mean a damn thing to me.
4. It is possible to get a 3.0-3.5 in a class without ever studying once, it's just not going to happen often. For me, it happened twice this semester. Then again, I only had Writing and a PC Hardware class.
5. Working 2nd shift doesn't work with 8am classes, especially if you're a night owl to begin with. Unfortunately, you need to do what you need to do to get the job done. That's what I did this semester.
6. It is possible for me to put my video game obsession aside for schoolwork, it just takes extreme amounts of personal control. It does effect my mood in a negative way and it does impact my life in a negative way, but it's a sacrifice I needed to make this semester to get by in school.
7. Short term pain for long term gain. The pain won't last forever...I hope.
8. Getting 1 hour catnaps in after class, before work, helped tremendously.
9. No matter how many classes I complete, it feels like I'm going in the opposite end of my degree. It's really that far away from my reach, even though it's not. Working full time and taking two classes a semester just isn't a very fast route to get through school. Even with taking summer classes, it just doesn't ever come close to ending. Sometimes I feel that it's better to just get used to the grind and never get out of it in the summer. The moment I feel free time I resort back to my own laid back self, wishing I could spend hours relaxing like I used to. Being busy and taking classes non-stop doesn't allow you to feel what it's like to have a life again, so you forget.
10. No matter how much I want to quit work to finish school, it's not going to happen. My work offers tuition reimbursement, so there's no way I'm leaving at this point. I'm stuck with this grind until its finished.