The weekly updates keep rolling in.
The big standout news, this time, is that when the rollout does happen, it will provide all DFM-eligible (alpha accounts or DFM pass-holding accounts) backers with the Vanduul Swarm mode, and then multiplayer will be rolled out to players in waves, starting with the lowest UEE citizen IDs, which correspond to site registration date.
This particularly amuses me, because the community's whining about Golden Tickets has come full circle -- it used to be that Golden Tickets were controversial and considered favoritist by anybody who didn't have them, but now it seems the majority are simply glad that priority isn't being given to subscribers or big-spenders so "first come" is considered equitable. Lolz @ internet communities.
In any event, it seems like they want to roll out multiplayer as fast as their server stability will permit; they're doing the cloud server thing so they should be able to scale quickly as far as server deployment goes, it'll just be a matter of whether their infrastructure code can keep up with the scale.
Go ahead and
read the weekly report to get details on updates and completed work on the power distribution system, shields, and new tweaks to the flight computer options, among other things.
ship specs page also got an update late last week, including some first pass information about the most recently (30mils? I forget) added stretch goal ships from late last year. That said, the damn thing is still riddled with obvious typos and errors and/or version mismatches. Some of the most interesting updates I found were the addition of hardpoint size stats, and some first pass info on stock component quality and performance (HO = High Output, LE = Low Emissions, etc), as well as some shield details to go with the shield system balancing... some ships have Front/Rear shields, some have Bubble shields (the consensus on that is Bubbles have no ability to redistribute coverage strength unevenly about the ship), and others have Quadrant and Box (6 sectors, adding Dorsal and Ventral to Quadrant?) configurations.