Lenas wrote:
Diamondeye wrote:
Holy ****! And I thought EQ2 had a lot with 24 classes!
More classes, less gameplay complexity. You will not have screens full of hot bars and 100 abilities you never use. Since this game is confirmed to be coming to PS4, it obviously has to be controller friendly.
Heh.. in EQ2 it wasn't a problem of ones I never used (there were 2, at most, that I didn't use on my Ranger) but rather of keeping up with clicking them all! You wanted them all on cooldown as much as possible to get the most DPS.
You will have four abilities determined by your class and weapon, and four abilities that you can customize with other class abilities you've unlocked from the same origin type. For example, a Tempest (nature origin) would be able to customize itself with other nature abilities, say maybe from a Druid or Shaman. Currently unknown if some origin abilities can be compatible or if you're stuck within one origin type.
Are these 8 abilities set, or do you select? For example, the 4 from class and weapon is it always 2 of each, or can you select all 4 from class or all for from weapon or 3 and 1, and are there more than 4 choices for each?
In ESO right now you "deck build". Your class gives you 3 lines of 5 abilities you unlock in turn, and so does your weapon, plus an ultimate. You have 5 slots plus an ultimate slot (you can get even more abilities from the "world" line and the guild lines, though they tend to be purpose-specific, for example Fighter's Guild abilities are devastating to undead and daedra, but otherwise average or weak) and you pick which 5 you want. You have 2 weapon sets you can hotswap, so for example my assassin (stelath nightblade build) has a dual wield bar and a bow bar. Or, you can put the same weapon in both slots and have 2 sets of abilities for the same weapon.
Is it anything like that?