Arathain Kelvar wrote:
TheRiov wrote:
a) Our brains are hardwired to favor our own group, regardless of whether those groups are based on anything real or not. These instincts are natural and sometimes ethical but not always
That's BS! You're just making excuses for bigotry!
Prejudice is
learned. Babies don't have prejudices.
These are the sort of responses I hear when I make similar arguments.
Riov's point is probably over-simplifying. The whole thing about left/right brain is mostly bullcrap. There is, however, some evidence in current neuroscience that suggests one side of the brain is more dominant in being critical of the world presented to it while the other is more dominant in interpreting the world according to one's value system. I don't remember which side was which. In any case, when people choose to not be critical of the environment, their brain is building fewer synapses on one region of the brain while the other side continues to build more. So in a sense, said brain becomes hard-wired, or at least more predisposed to continue thinking a certain way despite any evidence that may contradict. I would imagine bigotry falls into this pseudo-positive feedback mechanism.