Monthly Report out. Lots of really awesome stuff. And here I thought I might get to bed early tonight.
- In the Foundry 42 section, there's a big table outlining the design going into ship HUD UI sounds and the way they can be standardized around tempo and relative pitch to be familiar across different ship brands for pilots that don't just fly one ship, but still differ in tone so as to lend each brand personality. It's a lot to take in, but familiarity ought to come with time in the cockpit, and it's a really neat notion. If you go look, you can play rough demos of the sounds under consideration.
They still report that they're on track for hitting their 1.0 release target of right around the new year.
Signatures continue to sound amazing, and a lot of people are working on getting that data in for each component (and getting more components into the code data, even if they won't be swappable yet).
HUD work to go along with 1.0 and all its new features. I'm excited, particularly if this means we'll get away from everything using the Hornet HUD.
Sounds like we'll be getting a new commercial in December. I don't remember if the Avenger or Retaliator is up next.
Speaking of, Avenger and Cutlass will be flyable by 1.0, and the Gladiator's on the verge of moving into the hangar. Sounds like the Retaliator's still got a bit of work to do to be hangar ready.
Nyx will be the first "lawless" system (and second one behind Terra Prime) for us to see in the PU pipeline.
Neat details about animation, including facial animation -- which will be based around 70 expressions.
New chat & friends system should be live mid-to-late December. IIRC, this was the holdup on implementing lobbies, as well.
They're beginning work on inviting other players into your hangar. No ETA, but good to hear.
64-bit "large world" conversion is estimated for a February completion.
They've started collecting statistics based on AC player behavior, stats, and whatnot. Yay for stat-backed balancing analysis.
Next pre-1.0 patch will deliver a new ship to the hangar. Based on comments elsewhere, I think this is the Gladiator.
Work's being done overhauling the damage system to be even finer-grained, graphically speaking. Dynamically positioned damage scars to reflect actual hit location rather than just pre-baked system damage models and textures. Sounds awesome.
They're lining up models for character body scans and imminent mocap shoots.
They've mocked up an NPC-run Idris to test turret coverage and whatnot.
BHVR has been working out the kinks in their modular store and stocking system. They can generate stores that dynamically stock goods based on economic variables/status and "tag requests." Sounds awesome.
They've also been working on the mobiGlas interface, and it's wild reading the way they talk about wanting it to feel like a real, usable product and not just a normal game interface.
Illfonic has been tinkering with a "push/pull" system that will allow mobility in zero-g environments without a jetpack or gravity boots. I'm really interested to see how intuitive they can get that as an interface feature. That could be pretty neat.
Turbulent has been working on redesigning the site's initial impression for newbies, presenting a more cohesive and compelling first visit.
They're also "almost there" on implementing Contact Lists, which are a sort of one-way "following" system to help you keep track of people you've noticed in chat or on the forums or in game. "Friends" will follow that up as a two-way confirmed relationship that will display things like online status and such.
And they're working on improving the scoreboard tools, both for individuals and orgs.
And Moon Collider has done a lot of AI work, both design work to support the PU team's planetary NPC needs, and pilot AI improvements to be included in AC 1.0.
It all sounds fantastic. I can't wait to see 1.0 in action, a Gladiator in my hangar, and the chance to fly in (and against) Avengers and Cutlasses. And then the signatures.