Xequecal wrote:
This is only true because these days actual discrimination against homosexuals for being homosexual is the exception, not the rule. If we still had 1950s attitudes towards homosexuality, you can bet the vast majority of homosexuals would still be in the closet even if they were lucky enough to have family and friends that accepted it.
First, you're making a circular argument. You're trying to establish that attitudes towards gays would result in massive discrimination without laws against it - when people point out that this is impractical and that social attitudes have changed and they stay in the closet because of the attitudes of people close to them you can't go back and say "but it's only because of the laws!" That's what you're trying to show. We are not in the 1950s, and repealing the laws would not somehow revert us to that. Acceptance of homosexuality even if it's limited to "it's none of my business" is much more widespread, and even if it weren't other laws would remain in place. In the 1950s you could probably get away with assaulting gay people even though it was technically illegal - today, very few courts would let that slide if any.
It's especially laughable that you say this in the face of a bona fide bisexual person telling you that it's because of family and other close relationships just a few posts up.
Your first sentence is also exactly why I think anti-black discrimination would continue to exist. Like you said, they don't have time to actually look into the content of this random person's character, so they'll make a snap judgment based on what's obvious. He's black, so he's a higher risk. It doesn't mean they actually hate black people in the sense that they think they are genetically inferior or subhuman, that kind of racism is almost completely dead other than a few fringe groups that are a joke to everyone else. They're just looking to protect themselves against a perceived higher risk group.
So somehow being black is what's obvious but dressing and acting like a thug isn't? That's totally absurd. If a black man in a suit walks in, they ignore the suit? How about a work uniform? A military uniform?
If you're talking about credit applications then skin color and other aspects of personal appearance
aren't going to be the first thing they see.Quote:
Also, I get very annoyed by the massive hypocrisy inherent in the religious right claiming that homosexuals should not be a protected class because being gay is a choice, while simultaneously benefiting from the fact that religion is the ONLY protected class under federal law that is based on someone's choices.
Unfortunately for you, that's because the First Amendment says so - and that same provision is also what protects your choice to not believe. Race is under a similar (although not semantically identical) category based on the Fifteenth Amendment. If you want another amendment for gay people, see if you can get one proposed. There's a system for that, you know.
Second, what the religious right is (usually) saying is that
homosexual behaviors are a choice. Technically, this is true. One can choose not to engage in sexual behavior. Yes, this is an unreasonable request, but it does not change the fact that it is a behavior, and that is where the Wedding Cake problem comes in - the law requires people to participate in behavior they object to, and not for any reason of real import. We may compel people to fight against invaders. We might compel people to get medical treatment for their children. Compelling people to make wedding cakes so as not to hurt feelings somehow does not rise to that level.
Incidentally, that is also what makes this law and others like it a bit silly. By the same token, protecting the sensibilities of cake makers is not a crisis of national security. The legislature, in passing these laws is simply saying "nyah nyah" at antidiscrimination laws that they themselves (or their predecessors) should not have passed in the first place.
Finally, no one really gives a **** what annoys you. The left is really good at saying how appalled, annoyed, disgusted, whatever they are at things they disagree with as if the mere annoyance of the left should somehow be an argument against <whatever>. Do you think that your views are so morally pure and right that opposing views will just shrivel up and go away in the face of your righteous annoyance?
That said, I would actually be fine with it if they were to abolish the anti-discrimination laws. I just absolutely hate the copout justification of, "Well, there's really no more racism going on anyways, so nothing bad will happen to black people as a result." Yes, some black people will get screwed by racist whites, but that's something you have to accept if you want to preserve freedom of association.
No one is claiming that there is absolutely no racism or that racists are not going on. the claim is that racism is isolated and impotent - Black people may occasionally have to put up with a bona fide racist who can get away with something really obnoxious, annoying, or inconvenient - but the fact is that whites already have to put up with the same thing from minorities. Or worse, you know like getting falsely accused of murdering some thug that was attacking them. That's happened twice now and both times it's only been because it was a black guy that died and both times it turned out to be total horseshit.