I came across
an article about Remedy's upcoming A-list title
Quantum Break, and how it appears the final code runs at 720p, while still being unable to stick with a solid 30fps.
I've recently realized I'm old enough to have matured past "mature" games (that is, games that like to tout their own "mature" status like a kid who's snuck into an R-rated movie rather than do something interesting with it), and have circled back around to Nintendo. I've used my 3DS and Wii U over the past three weeks more than any of the other current-gen consoles combined. I'm firmly of the opinion that tech is far less relevant for great-looking gaming than sterling design and execution, and Nintendo excels at this (it doesn't hurt that they're just plain
better at making games than pretty much anyone else).
Presentation is, of course, not just important, but utterly crucial (these are called
video games, after all). It's just not reliant on technology. And to be fair, I've enjoyed both my Xbone (mainly
Halo) and my PS4 (mainly
Diablo 3). Games can be dark, gritty and mature, but constantly trying to fill in the gaping chasms of the uncanny valley will fail almost 100% of the time in the short-term, and god help your eventual "HD" re-release. And neither console feels like they've earned my investment yet, to be honest. Part of this is a move away from exclusives, I think; one console not really offering "signature" titles means that they're just interchangeable (yeah, Microsoft has
Halo, and Sony has
Uncharted, but they're not exactly near-and-dear).
That's all to say that while I don't think chasing the latest and greatest specs are productive or important (another reason I stepped away from PC gaming), it seems to be the standard the industry is setting for itself, but can't even seem to match. In an era where 4K television is becoming the new standard, this is an absolutely true statement (from the original linked article):
Nearly 50 games on the original Xbox ran at 720p. 15 years later, one of Microsoft’s flagship titles on the Xbox One system is also running at 720p. I’m struggling to find words that adequately express my frustration and disbelief. I realize that doesn’t paint a complete picture. I realize that the graphics we’re being treated to are light years ahead of past console generations. I realize that Quantum Break actually appears to be a beautiful game. I loved Alan Wake, and I think Remedy is a talented game developer. I would be perfectly content with a 720p/60fps presentation. But one that struggles to maintain 30fps 100% percent of the time and is detrimental to gameplay? That’s an issue if true, and it’s not something console players should be dealing with in 2016.