I'm not sure what to make of this series, though I find it fun to watch.
West Wing meets Invasion of the Body Snatchers meets Best in Show meets Walking Dead.
I think they're struggling a little with tone. (Is it Horror? Satire? Comedy? Drama? Campy Fun? Sci-Fi?) but the lead actress is very watchable and I always like Tony Shalaub.
The premise is that alien insects begin eating parts of the brains of people causing at a minimum, personality changes, (causing people to become radicalized along the lines of the beliefs they already had, so moderates become parodies of the far left and far right side of the aisle, causing massive political girdlock.
At this point in the series its an open question if this is a side effect of the bug-takeover, or the radicalization is part of their overall plan. Alternately there could be two factions of insects out there.
Some individuals heads explode (it seems to be those who try to think too much (or try to see both sides of an issue)) instead of becoming radicalized.
I'm still on the fence about this, but I am enjoying watching. YMMV