Diamondeye wrote:
Talya wrote:
I don't understand this.
The world --and America-- is safer today than it ever has been in human history.
We're not. Russia and China are both asserting themselves in ways they have not in decades, and Russia is expanding its nuclear arsenal at a time it has a treaty commitment to reduce it.
And yet neither are threatening the world at large, and won't.
Income relative to the value of the dollar is actually lower than it was in 1999, and despite theoretical economic recovery
In 1999, the GDP per capita of the USA was 34,600, which is approximately $49,800 in today's dollars.
In 2016, the GDP per capita of the USA was 51,500.
LOL, no it isn't, and it was about to get less free. The First Amendment was...
...not going anywhere. School campuses are idiotic, but they are also not society at large.
The only significant change in freedom in America over the last 8 years was in the providing of equal rights to LGBT people.
Let's see...
None of which are a threat to the people of america. Also, the first three were inevitable after the decision to invade Iraq, which was made 13 years ago, not within the last 8.
This kinda sucks. You need a single-payer system. Unfortunately, Obamacare was all he could get through.
IRS targeting
I have no idea what this is.
apparent lack of applicability of standards for classified information if you're a Clinton henchman or a Clinton
That whole smear campaign was bullshit. She's a shrill, bad candidate. She's no more criminal than any of the previous presidents.
An entirely fictitious narrative of "open season on blacks".
Which has nothing to do with the Obama administration.
Look, I'm not saying the left doesn't do it as well... Thinking about it over time, Bernie Sanders was actually a worse candidate than Hillary. Like Trump, he campaigned on fear and anger. He promised meaningful change to a system that is one of the best the world has ever had. It's not that things can't be improved, there are always ways to get better, but to listen to these people, on either side, you'd assume that America was always under assault and that the world was always ending.
It's not. Things are constantly getting better. Ultimately, I expect Trump to be a setback to this, but the upward trend will likely continue over the long haul, as long as he doesn't do something incredibly stupid, then nothing will happen that can't be undone.