Taskiss wrote:
TheRiov wrote:
Translation: You're going to declare yourself right instead of actually discussing specific points. Anyone who disagrees with you is evil.
Not at all. You outlined your position and presented the salient evidence you felt supported your position.
I did the same for my position.
You've presented nothing other than to strut around saying "NO ITS A BABY!" and then throw out some ad hominims. In fact all your 'settled science' (which no one but me has actually tried to provide here) makes no statements about what is a human being at all simply because those questions are not what science does. Science can determine if something happens, how something happens, and make predictions about it, but questions of morality are generally outside the scope. Such questions are better in the hands of philosophers, ethicists, and religious scholars.
All your strutting around demanding that its abortion is wrong and trying to pretend only some small, morally deficient minority of the population agrees with me is just a smokescreen. The fact of the matter is that the MAJORITY of the population of the US agrees with my position.
http://www.pewforum.org/fact-sheet/publ ... -abortion/)
But you're correct, it's pretty clear that the facts are obviously in my favor.
Yeah. I didn't say anything of the kind. You have not cited any facts. You've cited opinions. That's okay. You're in good company.
http://thehill.com/homenews/media/39287 ... om-opinionQuote:
I also I don't rely on any bullshit definitions, I stick to the basics and refuse to let you frame the issue as some complex biological conundrum, because it's not. It's a binary conclusion of life or death, whether a human is allowed to mature as irrefutable evidence of it's humanity or is declared to be some type of lesser member of humanity and destroyed.
Your inability to see shades of gray, nuance or subtlety in logic is not, in any way, my failing.
You really can't argue with the basic logic from a scientific view
What science? You have NFC what you're talking about. You've made a bald assertion with no support and claim there's some science behind it.
, the only personal opinion I interjected in the outline of my position that can be disputed in the least is the assertion that humans have an inalienable right to be alive. Otherwise, I just presented facts - if dear ol' mom doesn't have it ripped to pieces, in the same bit of time and effort that you yourself had to have to come to your conclusions and present them, the statistical majority of fetus would be capable of doing the same. We're all equal, our species is just a collection of human life forms on an appointed spot on a timeline, except you've decided that you're just a little more equal... so much more equal as to be judge, jury and in cahoots with the executioner.
You really just can't even begin to tell the difference between a fact and an opinion, can you?
I mean not even a little.
Here's a hint: just because something is "true" in your head, doesnt make it a fact.