The last few years have been a bit of a blur. I finished my CS degree, cum laude. I've completed most of my master's (9 hours remaining), but I've taken the last year "off" to start a consulting career.
I got connected with a veteran corporate consulting developer / indie game dev of some note towards the end of my BS. He's been helping me get into the contract development business. I've set up an LLC, and we've partnered up on a mobile app contract. I've been doing the primary development with him as the architect/project lead role on an "as needed" basis. I get to work from home, I don't have to deal with petty office politics, and the pay is absurd. I'm 100% making this **** up as I go, but if anyone asks, I'm a mobile expert

The whole clinical depression thing has had its ups and downs. Due to
reasons, the last year has been a deep dive through the darkness, but my crazy gambit has finally paid off. I'm back at all-your-liver-can-eat levels of SNRIs and I'm finally in a position where no one can ever hold my mental health hostage again.
As for hobbies, I've been a little too busy and/or overwhelmed to do much art for a while, but I'm hoping to get back into it soon. My current gaming vice is Final Fantasy XIV (excuse me, mam? Do you have a moment to hear about our lord and savior, Yoshi-P?). Stormblood just dropped, and I am hyped for the lore bombs. I'm still a massive horse nerd. The ride never ends. In fact, I'll finally be able to make it out to BronyCon this year. So Mookhow, Mus, and others who shall not be named: if any of you also happen to be going to the last hurrah, let me know. I'm meeting up with another internet friend of mine there, and the more the merrier.