No, that isn't the case at all. They may or may not have issued warnings in some cases; in others no warning was issued.
Show your work, please. Which cases? Were the targets places that were unlikely to have people there?
I already posted an article from the SPLC. Did you read it?
That article doesn't establish anything. It refers to the "return of militias", but cites no objective research or raw intelligence or any analytical method to establish this. What citations it does have are vague claims about "One law enforcement agency", name unspecified. It's just a collection of anecdotes without sourcing material, taking pot shots at everything from people "affirming oaths to the Constitution" to gun shows. What do you suppose would be the reaction if I were to brief my commander on some threat with something like that?
However, in the US, it often makes them bedfellows. Groups share information, members, and work together to advance their mutual interests. I'm not sure what other word would describe it better.
Again, some groups obviously engage in some of these activities some of the time. Most groups probably engage in at least one of these activities at some point. That tells us nothing useful about this particular case. We can't take generalities and apply them to specific instances when they are not universal, unless you want to argue that ALL right-wing groups do these things with ALL others ALL the time.
But I never once made the claim you indicated. I would prefer it if you stick with what I write. If you are confused about what I mean, feel free to ask. Please don't assume.
I'm not. You said that groups like Freemen are feeders for AoG and similar groups. You've called them "bedfellows". Then you claim I'm assigning claims to you that you haven't made when I go with that. I'm not assuming anything
Please go read the article at SPLC. If you still need more data, I will do what I can to find it.
I read as much of that article *** I could put up with before I grew tired of its rambling. It showed no sign of providing anything other than a listing of people engaging in actiities SPLC doesn't like, some of which are far more sinister than others. If you have something else, kindly provide it. Preferably something that lays it out in a succinct, readable fashion, with some sort of hard facts and an analysis that leads to your conclusion.
I am somewhat shocked that you don't see Tiller's murderer as fitting exactly that definition.
You shouldn't be. Tiller's killer had no real goal that we know of beyond venting his spleen in a murderous fashion. Some document or quote from him indicating some sort of
specific goal would be nice, at a bare minimum.
Please don't conclude things about my motivations. It borders on the kinds of arguments no longer welcome on the board. You are attempting to argue about my motives instead of the merits of the case I am making.
You're not in a position to say what is and isn't welcome here, and I concluded nothing about what you want. I said
IFthat's what you want and made no statement as to whether it, in fact, was.
The tangible end of ending Tiller's life in order to shut his clinic down and stop him from practicing medicine there. Seems pretty clear to me.
That doesn't come up to the level of terrorism. Ending Tiller's particular medical practice isn't a matter of public policy or behavior.
In the US, we have a sad habit of equating all acts of domestic terrorism to the actions of lone wolf nutjubs that have no history before their act was committed. Tim McVeigh is an *excellent* example of this. He was not just a lone bomber.
That's because most of them ARE lone nutjobs. Most of the other nutjobs like to talk tough, but don't acually DO much of anything. As for McVeigh, he was only not a loner in the sense that he had an accomplice.
The sad habit we have in the U.S. is of leaping to broad conclusions based on poor factual and analytical basis. You're hardly alone in this; you haven't been properly trained, and the media encourages and engages in it all the time, on both sides of the political coin. I'm trying to push you to apply some rigor towards your claims. I would never cite such a poor, agenda-driven source as SLPC in any sort of formal setting except maybe to establish something about that organization itself.