Monte wrote:
We have laws against stealing. Those laws do not cause people to steal. Stealing happened, was seen by society to be a problem, so we came together and made it illegal. By the logic used from SG, Khross, and others in this thread, the very law against stealing makes stealing happen. That's silly.
No one has said anything remotely close to this. Indeed, had you actually read the posts to which you are responding, you would note that ...
1. A lot more smokers would have died instead of received interventionist care in the United States.
2. That consequences of the smokers' behavior is born not by their own taxes, but fees and taxes placed on the rest of the nation.
Smoking has been mishandled by the government for quite some time. What you fail to realize in your haste to defend the "public ... interest in regulating it's use", is that you are hereby enabling and subsidizing the addiction. Instead of allowing the natural consequences of behavior to follow, you are legitimating a paradigm in which doctors must treat self-inflicted disease at the expense of other patients and other allocations of resources.
Montegue wrote:
Smoking, as a behaivor, goes beyond personal harm, and that's why the public has an interest in regulating it's use. When someone smokes, they hurt every single person near them. They are literally poisoning the people around them. You, as a doctor know that's true.
The use is already regulated in most cases. In some states, such as California, it's regulated to the point that individuals cannot decided who can and cannot smoke on their own property. There is a point wherein regulation ceases to be reasonable and appropriate. Smoking has, in almost all cases, long since passed that point. And all current regulation has done, amazingly enough, is increase the burden to tax payers.
Montegue wrote:
That's the key here, I think. With someone having a drink, they aren't harming anyone around them with the simple act of having a drink. If someone is having sex with a member of the same sex, they aren't harming anyone who's not consented to a willful act. But when someone smokes, they expose me to their toxins regardless of my consent.
You breathe don't you? I guess we need to regulate respiration in general. Afterall, the Obama Administration declared CO2 a poison. Stop breathing so you cease to expose me to your toxins regardless of my consent. We don't need the slippery slope anymore; your favored executive went base jumping over that cliff.
Corolinth wrote:
Facism is not a school of thought, it is a racial slur.