Her spec could use some tweaking, as could her glyphs.
Here's my hunter's spec, which is pretty vanilla survival.
http://www.wowarmory.com/character-tale ... s+of+TruthSince we're talking about a true newbie, I'm going to start with the basics and assume nothing.
A couple key concepts for DPS of any type:
- Make sure you're engaged in the combat as soon as possible. You want as close to 100% active time in the fight as you can manage.
- You should be always hitting an attack or cooldown. Never just sit back and let auto-attack go.
- Manage your aggro (super easy with hunters) - you do 0 dps when you're dead.
- Use your cooldowns (trinkets, special abilities, etc.) often. Don't save them, but do try and make sure they are available for boss fights where appropriate.
- Typically your weapons are the single biggest contributor to your dps, make sure you have good weapons and do the research to find out where they drop and actively seek them out.
- Armor/Gear is next, so same drill here as well
- Practice, practice, practice
- Monitor your performance - Recount, while very imperfect, will help you get a feel for if your rotation and skill is improving
Some Survival Hunter basics:
- Make sure Serpent Sting is up all the time
- Make sure you hit Black Arrow, Explosive Shot and Aimed Shot/Multi Shot every time they are up, in that priority order
- Use Steady Shot when everything else is on cooldown (ALWAYS be hitting a button, always)
- Make sure you're managing your mana with Aspect of the Viper, but don't forget to go back to Aspect of the Dragonhawk. There are addons to help with that if you're bad about remembering.
- Don't excessively move around. Stay in one spot if you can so you take advantage of Sniper Training.
- Misdirect is your friend. There are good macro's out there that make it easy to use and your tanks will love you for it.
- Feign Death is your friend. If you get aggro on a mob, drop immediately unless it's almost dead.
I'm sure folks like Khross and Talya will have more to say, as they are much more active on their Hunters than I am, but that should get you pointed in the right direction.