Meriam Webster Dictionary of Law wrote:
Main Entry: judicial ac·ti·vism
Pronunciation: -'ak-t&-"vi-z&m
Function: noun
: the practice in the judiciary of protecting or expanding individual rights through decisions that depart from established precedent or are independent of or in opposition to supposed constitutional or legislative intent —compare JUDICIAL RESTRAINT
Now, this is a curious definition indeed, since one of the qualifiers would eliminate activism from the current ruling. "Constitutional intent" makes your position, or at least the application of this definition, problematic. (I'll interject that I think "Constitutional Intent" is a very poor qualifier and that even I find "Framers' Intent" arguments generally weak). The text of the First Amendment, on the issue of Speech, is pretty clear, as I noted earlier in the this thread. Consequently, the history of jurisprudence indicates this is not a matter of activism, as preserving the First Amendment is exactly what the Court has done. And, generally speaking, the Court almost always upholds the First Amendment.
If, for instance, we turn to the opinion piece I linked, the esteemed lawyer in question inaccurately applies to private domain rulings to the First Amendment. The Court has ALWAYS indicated that when in a private establishment, you are subject to the sovereignty and rulings of its governing body on issues of speech and expression. Consequently, the author makes a hasty generalization and an an appeal to emotion that neither substantiate his position nor given credence to the argument of judicial activism
Aizle wrote:
My comments about hippocracy were not directed at you, or actually most of the posters here. I believe I understand your position and logic behind it fairly well at this point, and it's consistent within itself, however much I disagree with it.
Fair enough, but I would suggest that you have, carelessly but not intentionally, applied the definition you cited in this case.
Corolinth wrote:
Facism is not a school of thought, it is a racial slur.