Monte wrote:
That wasn't what I argued. I will thank you to not build straw men out of my argument. It's a logical fallacy. My point was about Joe Wilson in particular, and I never argued that anger at the president constitutes racism necessarily. You constructed that out of my statement, and I neither intended to imply or explicitly state anything of the sort.
Sorry, but you did. The word "boy", when referring to a black man is generally accepted to be racist. Clearly, you were pointing out some racism directed at Obama in your perception. You said nothing whatsoever to indicate anything about Joe Wilson that would lead one to believe he, in particular, is especially likely to have racist motivations. So, based on
what you said, that is not a strawman. Don't tell me I need to ask for clarification either; I did ask you a question based on what you had said. If you wanted to make a point about Joe Wilson, you should ahve put that in your original post in order to avoid confusion. Holding back part of what you want to say, then claiming a strawman because someone responded based on what you DID say is misusing the term.
I believe that his comment was born of racism at least in part. I believe he is likely to be a racist, given his willful association with the Sons of the Confederacy and his support for maintaining racist imagery like the confederate flag on public grounds. I think they only thing preventing Joe Wilson from shouting "boy" or "nigger" when he said that to the president was his knowledge that he would have no wiggle room if he did. He would not, in my opinion, have treated a white president in such a fashion.
Now, you may not agree that the confederate flag is a racist symbol, and that's fine for you, but I was speaking of my opinion, and I have given my reasons for it. Again, please do not construct arguments I have not made out of what you think my statements mean. If you have a question, please feel free to ask.
Once again, no one constructed any argument for you. All of this information could have been in your original post. You chose not to include it, and what I said was not a strawman of what I did say. It's my job to ask for clarification if what you say is unclear
to me, not to make sure you haven't withheld part of what you're trying to say.
In any case, Wilson's association with a group you find racist doesn't in any way establish how "You lie!" is racist or how there was a "boy!" missing from the end of it.