Aizle wrote:
That is so NOT what she's saying. Let's review that section in detail...
Yes it is what she's saying. Picking it apart in bits and pieces instead of addressing it as a whole won't help.
Palin, speaking at the Tea Party convention about her priorities for the country wrote:
Allowing America's spirit to rise again by not being afraid to kind of go back to some of our roots as a God fearing nation...
Ok, as an athiest I'm a little offended at the notion that only by being a God fearing nation will America's spirit rise, but whatever.
A) She didn't say "only" and B) what do you care? Being a god-fearing nation doesn't stop you from being an atheist, and in any case, a "god-fearing nation" is so vague as to be meaningless.
Palin, speaking at the Tea Party convention about her priorities for the country wrote:
It would be wise of us to start seeking some divine intervention again in this country, so that we can be safe and secure and prosperous again.
So we need some divine intervention so we can be safe and secure and proserous again. The subtext here is that because we've supposedly become godless, our nation is being punished. I've heard that nonsense from other people on this forum before too. The implication is that she advocating tossing out the first amendment regarding free practice of religion, because those differing ideas are making God punish the nation. It's not too much of a leap to assume that any other godless habits should be stricken down as well, like atheism, homosexuality, etc.
No, ti's not the implication that she wants to toss out the first ammendment. That's you inventing stuff based on this strawman Christian you have in your head that's secretly pushing for a theocracy. So yes, it's an extreme leap that she's wanting "godless practices" ended, because she's not in any way advocating getting rid of the first ammendment. You're just reading that into what she's saying talking about "implications" and "subtexts" to confirm to yourself that she's an evil Christian intent on establishing theocracy. It verges on paranoia
Yes, I find the idea that the nation is being punished by God absurd, but that isn't what she said. She may think that if individuals are more god-fearing they will be more prosperous, and the aggregate will make the nation more prosperous. It isn't a call for any specifc national effort.
Palin, speaking at the Tea Party convention about her priorities for the country wrote:
To have people involved in government who aren't afraid to go that route, not so afraid of the political correctness that you know -- they have to be afraid of what the media said about them if they were to proclaim their alliance on our creator.
This is flat out wrong and ignorant. Most speeches made by the President of the United States end with, "God Bless America". "In God We Trust" is printed in our money. Free practice of religion is part of the First Amendment. The current standing president and EVERY SINGLE PRESIDENT that's ever been elected has freely proclaimed their faith in God. At Obama's innauguration, one of the most prominent evangelical ministers in the country provided the eulogy.
Except that it's not all that wrong or ignorant. We hear whining and bellyaching about what it says on money every day, as if it somehow actually affects anything other than hurt feelings.
There was plenty of whining and bellyaching about Obama having that guy, and there's planety of whining and bellyaching about God Bless America too. It's this cricticism of politicians for having people like that at their inauguration or about what the money says that she's pointing out.
It's the same argument that somehow is unacceptable when applied to gay marriage. "Gays being allowed to marry infringes on our right to have marriage defined as we want it". Guess what? That argument is just as much bullshit when you're saying "If a politician is talking about being a God-fearing nation, they want to take away my right to freedom to be an Atheist" or "What is says ont he money/what the President says in speeches is infringing on my rights". Those are the arguments and claims made whenever those subjects come up and that's what she's speaking against.