Blargh. That was an exceptionally bad day and I was less than coherent, having only slept something like 10 hours over the last couple nights. I probably sound like a complete lunatic.
A lot of that is just venting in the face of an increasing residue of frustration and resentment. I'm tired of the way that it feels inside my head 24/7. I've never known anything so relentless. It's a death-by-inches; like being pinned between the immovable object and the irresistible force. In the end, it really doesn't matter which wins.
I'm frustrated because I've gone through at least 20 different drugs at various stages, and none of them have particularly put a dent in this...
thing, whatever it is. It still feels like my mind is stuck in 1st gear. I push, and I push, and I push but it won't go anywhere. Everything is slowed, retarded. It takes so much effort and mental energy to force it into any kind of motion; you have no idea.
I'm frustrated because I keep doing this whole "talking therapy" bit, too, even though it doesn't ever seem to do any good. And I just can't shake this nagging feeling that I'm not really receiving ideal care in that department to begin with. I'm looking into another psych right now, but after at least 4 disappointments in that area, I'm not exactly optimistic. I can't even really tell you what's "wrong" with my current therapy, but it is.
Hopwin wrote:
Stathol do you find your mind recoiling from issues you don't want to think about. I don't mean consciously thinking, "Not going there" but your mind actively averting your train of thought? To the point where it feels like ADD?
No, not like that. But it might help to know that there two classifications of ADD: ADHD-PI (Predominately Inattentative) and ADHD-H (predominately Hyperactive). There's also ADHD-C, which is the combined type, indicating a mix of both. There is a somewhat new school thought that the
purely inattentive variety (people who strongly meet the criteria for ADHD-PI, but meet
none of the criteria for ADHD-H), may be a distinct neurological condition largely unrelated to ADHD-H/ADHD-C. I believe the University of South Carolina has been doing a lot research in this area, actually. Some have termed this subset "
Sluggish Cognitive Tempo", it appears to have a lot in common in dysexecutive syndrome, and may be rooted in some kind of working memory problem. This is somewhat odd, because dysexecutive syndrome is typically the result of a brain injury.
The more that I've read on the topic, the more pieces seem to fall into place. I'm wary of making any kind of self-diagnosis, but everything fits, and it explains a lot. For what it's worth, I
was professionally diagnosed with ADHD-PI (with no symptoms whatsoever of the hyperactive type) about 10 years ago. The thing about ADHD-PI/SCT/whatever is that it's not typical of what people would think of as ADD/ADHD. People who fall into that category are not necessarily even easily distracted. They exist in a perpetually "under-aroused state".
Perhaps I'm just on the extreme end of that spectrum. And maybe that's compounded even further by the anhedonia from depression. At this point, it's very much a chicken-and-the-egg kind of scenario, but I'm growing increasingly convinced that my problems with depression, though of the Major classification, may ultimately be rooted in some other, deeper cause. ADHD-PI/SCT may very well be part of that.
As well, I more than slightly suspect that there may be another undiagnosed comorbid condition in the mix. Specifically (again at the risk of self-diagnosis), the DSM-IV literature on social anxiety disorder fits uncomfortably well. For that matter, so do most of the criteria for dependent personality disorder, which frankly kind of freaks me out. Personality disorders are
**** up. More so than mood disorders, anyway. Then again, there's no small amount of suspicion that dependent personality disorder and social anxiety disorder may actually be the same underlying disorder, expressed in slightly different ways. So if I match strongly for SAD, perhaps I shouldn't be surprised if I also meet most of the criteria for DPD. It may ultimately be a red herring, and there are some key elements of DPD that I diverge from.
Screeling wrote:
Move out of your parents house and try getting involved in some volunteer work.
As much as I'd like to, that really wouldn't be a good idea at this point.
How many people at church have you shared your condition with? You've dropped off AIM, so I never hear from you anymore. Not having heard from you, I haven't been praying for you in quite a while (partially my bad too).
Some know, some don't. I haven't been on AIM because Bitlbee has been horked for awhile. I can't figure out how to fix it, and I all of the CLI AIM clients for *nix drive me crazy for one reason or another. Irssi FTW. L2IRC, newb.
What means of help have you envisioned God might provide? Is it possible you've been resistant to ways God did try to help you because you thought they'd make you uncomfortable?
You name it, I've asked for it. And at this point I'd cut off my own arms, if that was what it would take. I might even find that less unpleasant than therapy...